SLEEP – zzzzz…!! The very name implores us to open our
mouths and let out a biggg yawn! :D The most loved, treasured and adored form
of exercise!! (Got
carried away by the title didn’t you :P My trick to make my article readable ;)
I am sure this will keep you pondering as to why I chose
this of all, when blogs are supposed to make you more inclined on reading them
and not ALT+F4 the page and doze off. There is a robust reason that will reveal
itself at the end of this article – if and only if you are awake to realize it
Now let me not get into the biological side of why we need
a sound sleep and the likes. You would have had enough gyan about the 2 cycles
of sleep . Getting straight to the point!! Sleep is something which we should
never compromise for anything in life. We do and the next moment it has us
repenting big time!! Believe me – been there done that ;) Nothing in this world
should keep us soooo occupied from bonding with our pillow.
What is stopping us from getting a proper unfathomable
sleep! A presentation at office the next day, a deliverable? Nobody remembers
our presentations and performances at the death bed as Chetan Bhagat has perfectly
pointed out! So this is ruled out. Family commitments? I am sure most of the families
of sleep-deprived people falling under this category (especially wives) are
accustomed to them sleeping late and rising early that they are expected to do
the same everyday! The habit ought to be broken; dozing and rising has to be
done as per body needs and not according to family needs! No excuse in this!! This
one is ruled out too. Stress? Come on! No proper sleep leads to stress and
tension the next day at work or at home, in turn affecting our sleep all over again.
So it’s us depriving our body from its most important need - Sleep!
You know what!! This cherished form of workout is most
lovable to all random beings inside our body called hormones! :) A tiny favor to them
in the form of letting our body rest and allowing them to start their job, can
work wonders on us! They keep looking vigilantly for our body to relax so that
they can take out their tools and work on the project assigned to them! Why
deprive them of their jobs unnecessarily! ;) And yeah most importantly, sleeping from 12am to 8am is never the same as
sleeping from 10pm to 6am !! So, don’t think you can dodge by saying you got
8 hours of sleep. Next day at office is going to be the same again, dozing and
falling on the desk! ;)
Sleep for how many ever hours your body needs to
repair itself and stay healthy and ‘young’ for a long time or don’t sleep and
get dirty eye bags under your eyes allowing your skin to loosen itself and look
like older version of popeye at a very young age! The choice is yours :)Cheers,